Southern Time Productions (STP) is a music and film production company based in Toronto with some of the most gifted musicians and film producers in Canada on its roster so far. We will be adding more great talents to our film team over the next few years. STP is also a social innovation company that seeks to make the world a better place through various creative means in collaboration with the Southern Time Foundation. We will first make a positive difference in our world through our music production, promoting the Southern Time Band (of which two members are openly HIV-positive) in the quest to hold governments around the world accountable to end AIDS. We will build the Southern Time Foundation’s website once our companies are funded.
Soon, preproduction on the ‘Dreamer’ series will begin. The series explores how T, the lead singer of the STB, acquired HIV and AIDS, what living with both has been like for him, and the social and spiritual insights through his HIV and AIDS journey. The Dreamer series investigates how T nearly died from AIDS, his recovery, and eventual triumph over HIV and its stigma, among many other issues humans and our world currently face.
Dreamer Series
Besides the social objectives behind our cinematography, unique, creative, and compelling film production has always been a goal of Southern Time Productions. The first production of the Southern Time story (in Vancouver, in 2005) was a multi-media stage endeavor with four screens displaying different images and cinematic scenes at various times, plus a rock band, a cast of twenty people, acting, choral singing, and choreography. The Southern Time story’s intended primary medium (besides awesome rock concerts) was always on the big screen as a cinematic rock musical drama.
The Dreamer series has been the dream T has been working towards since he produced the original stage production. He started writing the screenplays in 2012, three years after he nearly died from AIDS in 2009. Throughout his life, T has learned that problems are only overcome by first being honest with oneself and others and living life with integrity. After T contracted HIV at age twenty in 1996, he only wanted to do one thing with his life, regardless of the amount of time he had left — to make a positive difference in our world using the artistic and other talents that he had.
Southern Time Productions’ goal, along with the Southern Time Band’s and the Southern Time Foundation, is to help meet UNAIDS’s goal of ending AIDS by 2030. It will do this through a collaboration agreement with the Southern Time Foundation, giving financial and other types of support to the foundation. The Southern Time Foundation’s first goal is to help end AIDS. It will do this by identifying and assisting areas that are still disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS.
In the mid-2020s, STP will also support, develop, and promote other musical and film artists who also want to make the world a better place. We will help them share their stories and art to make a positive global difference on issues of health, social, and environmental concerns. STP is now looking for talented people working in all film genres who want to change our world positively through their talent. One’s expertise can be acting, film direction, editing, orchestration, and all feature-length film production roles. Please message T at if you are interested in becoming a member of the Southern Time Team!
Southern Time Productions released the trailer for its premiere work the ‘Dreamer’ series on April 26th, 2021. We are now in talks with potential investors. Check it out and let us know what you think!